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October Co-Worker Special

We have an incredible new member deal for the month of October that is REFERRAL ONLY, via our awesome members, YOU!

Most of our magnificent members at FitTown have joined because of invites from already magnificent members. You can probably remember the person who gave you the nudge to try out a class and you’re forever grateful they did.

Now you can be that person to the next person. Inviting them for a FREE week of FitTown workouts. They also receive 50% off their first month. As the referrer and life changer, you will receive $25 off your next membership month.

We have a bunch of cards (pictured above) that you can take and give out. We’re always happy to reach out directly to people if you want us to do the heavy lifting of getting them in the door.

Grab some cards to hand out in either building, and happy co-worker appreciation month!!