Tomorrow, Mike Anthony will do his 2000th workout at FitTown Jupiter. 2000 days of “Just Showing Up”. 2000 days of friendship. 2000 days of fitness. 2000 days of Mike committing to continually bettering himself.
Mike said, “I started at FitTown Jupiter based off of a challenge at work. I decided to try it for 6 weeks as an example to our staff. I fully intended to only do 6 weeks and then go back to my usual running and LA Fitness which was cheaper. Now, almost 11 years later… I’m still here. For awhile I did it to challenge myself, do cool things, learn new skills and hang out with fun people. Now, I still love the people, but my focus has shifted more towards staying in shape in general and using my fitness for things I enjoy like paddle board racing, biking and hiking. It is also a large part of my social life and I have made both friends and business contacts at the gym.”
Tomorrow, we’ll do a workout specifically programmed alongside Mike, comprised of a few of his favorite things. If you’re able, we’d love for you to join us to honor Mike’s 11 years of commitment by performing his workout alongside him! Here’s Mike’s 2000th WOD!
“M.A. 2k”
22 minute Clock: (Teams of 2)
Buy In: 5 minute AMRAP of Push-ups (Partner 2 Dead Hang)
… in Remaining Time AMRAP:
50/40 Cal Bike
40 Synchro Sit-ups
30 DB Bench Press
20 D-Ball Cleans Over the Box
10 Tall Box Get-Overs S(Burpee Box Get-Overs)
Massive THANK YOU to Mike for sticking with us for 2000 workouts. Hope to see you all tomorrow to celebrate and sweat together!