
courtney aom

mark aom

Our Athletes of the Month for November are the Lemasney’s, Courtney and Mark!  We also have to recognize their FitTeen and FitKid, Carrigan and Brogan. We love how this family gets fit together and makes being active a vital part of their lives!

Courtney has been at FitTown the longest and is almost a member of our 1000 workout club. It took her a while to talk Mark into FitTown too. Well, actually all she had to do was flex 🙂 (funny story in their blog post you’ll want to check out).  Mark has become a staple at our 6am FTX class, always giving his all and attentive to every coaching cue. Congratulate him on hitting his 500th workout this week! 

Nothing makes us happier at FitTown than families getting fit together. We love the example Mark and Courtney set for their kids. Says Courtney, “I used to do a lot of cardio and was pretty focused on staying thin when I was growing up and into my twenties.  I think being thin was ‘a thing’ but now I have a different outlook on what healthy looks like and that includes muscles thanks to FitTown!  I also think in having a daughter, it’s important for her to see what ‘healthy’ looks like vs. what she sees on social media all the time.”

We love that Courtney! We are so grateful to have the Lemasney family in our FitTown family! 

Tell us a little about yourselves. Give us a brief background on how the Lemasney family formed and ended up in Jupiter with kids. 

Courtney is originally from Virginia Beach and Mark is from the South of Ireland (Cork). Our paths converged when our jobs brought us both to Atlanta GA in 2001…Courtney couldn’t resist my southern charm ?. I was working as an Engineer for GE globally and eventually got tired of traveling, joining NextEra (FPL) in 2003. Courtney a recruiting director for an Engineering firm, moved down in 2004 when we got married. While we have moved around South Florida a little, we have been here for the past 17+ years and love it. Our daughter Carrigan was our firstborn, now 13 years old and Brogan, 11, came shortly after. 

mark and brogan

Tell us about how fitness is a family thing for the Lemasney fam.

Both Mark and I (Courtney) grew up in sports.  For me, it started with dance when I was young and then cheer and softball in high school. Mark no surprise grew up playing rugby, Gaelic football, yes it’s a thing, and basketball. Our parents always believed, as do we now, that it’s important to keep kids busy with sports, both to develop team and social skills but also to keep them out of trouble.  Over the years, we spent time in and out of different gym programs but for me CrossFit became my thing over 10 years ago when I joined HEW-Jupiter.  Mark spent several years doing triathlons and long-ass bike rides before joining FitTown back in August 2019. Carrigan plays competitive club volleyball and for her school.  The FitTeen program has been a great addition to build her endurance and strength.  While she may not love cardio, surprisingly she loves the teens program. Brogan is part of the Dragons swim team and recently started playing basketball.  Like Carrigan, his schedule is pretty packed but has participated in the Fitkids programs when his schedule allows. No surprise he is super competitive and annoying like his Dad … love you babe! 

lemasney beach wod

What’s something the family enjoys outside the gym?  Any special talents, hobbies, or interests?    

When we are not out of town with kids sports, we love boating (not too big into fishing) and cruising the intercoastal.  We also enjoy hanging out at the sandbar with friends. The Keys and Bahamas have also become favorite destinations, especially over the past few years. 

courtney deadlift

Do you guys have any funny/interesting stories about first starting at FitTown? 

Courtney had been trying to get me join for years. It wasn’t until one evening at home at dinner my son asked Courtney to flex her bicep, he then asked me to flex mine …. It became embarrassingly obvious that she had bigger guns! So, I blew it off and kept on with my biking. Then one Saturday on the way back from a long ride I stopped at the CrossFit/FTX to see if Court wanted to grab a bagel after her class. As I walked into the gym in my goofy spandex these two ripped dudes all sweaty with their shirts off pranced past me (Nick and Zach), I was turned on – LOL, just kidding, maybe! Either way, it was time to join and bulk up a little …. You know, just in case! Now I love it and my guns are bigger ?

Courtney – Well recently our kids give us a lot of crap about the fact that we discuss the gym, people’s funny comments or you know the folks who embellish their numbers on SugarWod usually during dinner time.  They might have used words like “you’re obsessed…can we please not talk about the gym”, LOL!!!

mark deadlift

What positive physical progress have you experienced from being in the gym?

Mark – Like many I have a couple of degenerated discs (L4/5) and before joining FTX every few months for the prior 15-years they would act up and go into a crippling spasm. Since starting FTX my core feels so much stronger and my back rarely now gives me any issues! It’s also been really rewarding to learn new workouts and see my skills and weights improve week over week. 
Courtney – Well I would say I am significantly stronger than I have ever been in my life.  I used to do a lot of cardio and was pretty focused on staying thin when I was growing up and into my twenties.  I think being thin was a “thing” but now I have a different outlook on what healthy looks like and that includes muscles thanks to Crossfit!  I also think having a daughter, it’s important for her to see what “healthy” looks like vs. what she sees on social media all the time.

courtney dball

Also, any new beliefs/mottos, habits, behaviors that you formed since you started that have most positively impacted your life?

Fitness is part of a lifestyle choice …. It’s hard to make progress if you’re not committed also to a healthy diet, sleep, and a little less alcohol. We are both are pretty disciplined and try to keep a good balance.

Mark – I typically do the 6am FTX class 5 days a week and then a day or two on the bike. Working out first thing for me is an important start to the day, it’s great to see friendly faces, feel challenged and accomplished going into work.

Courtney – I truly do look forward to coming to the gym and working out.  I enjoy the friendships we have made over the years and everyone is there to root one another on.  So for me, it’s a commitment to come to at minimum 4-5 classes a week.  Not just because of the social aspect, but I feel so much better mentally and physically after I have started my day at the gym.  

Do you have any memorable moments/workouts at FitTown that you’d like to share?  

Mark – It was finishing my first Murph WOD …. I love the Hero WODs, in addition to being mentally and physically challenging they honor the sacrifices of so many who paid the ultimate price for our freedom, which is pretty awesome. Also, any ERG intensive WOD that allows me to kick Taylor’s butt is rare but super rewarding ?

Courtney- Finally getting double unders!!  Steve who used to be a trainer saw my form over the years and was like, “ok I’m wrapping you up”.  He literally took a red band and wrapped both of my arms by my side so I was forced to just use my wrists.  And it worked!  I couldn’t believe it, I literally had been trying for 5 years to do a DU and it finally clicked.  And yes I looked ridiculous!

mark squat

What keeps you motivated? What do you remind yourself of on days when you don’t “feel” like going to the gym?

Courtney – I usually text a friend and say, “hey are you going” or I look at Zenplanner and tell myself ok, get up, it’s time to go!! 

Mark – my OCD doesn’t allow me slack off more than one day! It takes commitment to get into a good rhythm and it’s tough when you fall off the bus to get going again so I try to stay consistent. Plus, your truth-tellers and accountability partners in the gym will quickly reach out to see why you’re slacking!

What advice do you have for the person who’s hesitant about starting a fitness program like this? 

Courtney – I think the BeachFit program is a great way to start at our gym and to be honest, it’s a great program to be in forever.  I tell them you won’t be lifting a barbell over your head…its like a HITT program but with a super fun crowd and trainers that motivate you to come back.  Get there 3 – 4 days and you’ll be hooked.

mark bar

What do you love most about FitTown Jupiter?  

The community, the people, the energy, and commitment … we love the camaraderie and have made many new great friends with similar beliefs and values.  Whenever we invite people to come with us from out of town they always say, wow this is not like any other gym we’ve ever been to…it’s honestly the community of people that stand out and build each other up that makes it like no other.

courtney birthday

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