The moment you’ve all been waiting for… The 2023 Committed Club list is out!
For those of you in the annual Committed Club, T-Shirt orders will be out this week. Simply find your name on the sheet and write the size and style you want. We’ll get your orders in for your limited edition tees and tanks by the end of this week! As always, we’re beyond excited for all of you who made Committed Club last year. Despite all the directions life pulls us- you committed to your health and fitness, and that’s something to be proud of!
Our RAFFLE winners are as follows:
???? December Raffle Winners: Annica Bereflod and Sean Denyse – You each received $50 off your next month!
???? Quarter 4 Raffle Winners: Anna Lisa De Lima and Brenna McWhorter- You each received HALF off your next month!
???? Annual Committed Club Winners: Alex Kaeser and Kaitlin Laganelli- You each won a FREE month at FitTown!
Here’s the full list of 2023 Committed Club Members:
Alex Kaeser
Alina Cascante
Allison Fredericks
Amanda Barnes
Amanda Dillon
Amanda Kostelnik
Amy Bolton
Amy Hickman
Andrew Carlson
Andy Habermann
Anna Lisa De Lima
April Vradenburg
Ashley Calabro
Austin Bettigrew
Barb Vollender
Ben Miller
Bill Young
Brenna McWhorter
Britney Stroever
Buddy Frezza
Carmela Cannavo
Christina Page
Christine Barber
Colton Partlow
Courtney Wonnell
D. Albrey Arrington
Dan Wallace
Daniel Olano
Danielle Bettigrew
Dave Dillon
Debbie Ruffing
Derek Hogan
Donald Barnes
Donna Hoagland
Dudley Brown Jr
Elizabeth Martin
Em Lazott
Emily Kutsmeda
Erick Tirado
Gabriel Tartaglia
Glendese Miller-Lyn
Greg Brown
Hilary Kloska
Holly Willette
Hunter O’Mahony
Jack Ovadias
Jeff Embick
Jen Copeland
Jen Eisenman
Jen Oliver
Jessica Leone
Jill Snowney
Johanna Rodriguez
John Pugsley
John Shealy
Jonel Isip
Joy Poletti
Juan Gonzalez
Kaitlin Laganelli
Kelly Bush
Kelsey Welsh
Kevin McWhorter
Killian Pugsley
Kim Habermann
Laura Spalding
Laurie Amaral
Lindsay Carolyn
Marcy Lantzy
Mark Campbell
Mark Lemasney
Mark Makens
Martha DeForest
Martin Ondrus
Mary Isip
Matthew DeYoung
Matthew Fredericks
Melanie Sebastian
Melissa Pawley-Lichter
Michael Pugsley
Michael Sheehan
Michelle Hendee
Mike Anthony
Natalie DeVries
Nick Calabro
Pamela Li
Patty Sands
Peter Bosco
Peter Mollengarden
Rachel Chinchilla
Rebecca Reid
Richard Silberberg
Rick Hoagland
Ross Sanford
Sean Sukhu
Shannon Frezza
Shea Glass
Steven Schultz
Tammy Anton
Taylor Reeves
Tony Frezza
Victoria Powell
Walker Phillips
Wilmarie Ortiz