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Athletes of the Month: Pattie & Jeff Embick

Our Athletes of the Month for June are Pattie and Jeff, The Embick Family!  

They aren’t the only fit ones in their family. Their daughter Kali works out with them in BeachFit, and their granddaughter Hannah and grandson Jacob are also in our FitKids program. They have two other

fit sons, Eric who is active with soccer and snowboarding in Colorado and Chris who does CrossFit in West Palm Beach.

We are so proud of Pattie and Jeff for setting an example of fitness for their family. Pattie told us she recently had an epiphany in workouts with the help from Coach Amanda. Pattie says, “I only joined to have something in common with Jeff. I always shied away from gyms because I never saw their purpose. Than Coach Amanda helped me realize that I do it to keep up with my grandkids! And that I use it everyday! Finally a purpose! I farmers carry all of my Publix groceries, my step ups and banded monster walk helps me hike in Colorado, squats and lifts help me pick up my grandson, and finally hand gripping to open those jars…and bottles of wine (jk!).”

Through 2020 and the pandemic, Pattie and Jeff didn’t miss a beat when it came to their workouts. Jeff just passed the 550 total workout mark and Pattie just passed half that, but still an incredible feat as she approaches our 300 club. We don’t know many grandparents who did any workouts over the past year, let alone HUNDREDs. And they are always transporting their grandkids to FitKids later in the day after their own morning workouts. 

Jeff and Pattie are great at listening to their coaches and looking for ways to improve. They are smart about what they can and cannot do, yet aren’t afraid to test their limits too. Thank you Jeff & Pattie! We love having you and your family in our FitTown family! 

embick whole fam

Embick Fam! Tell us a little more about yourselves. 

Thank you for this wonderful honor! 

Jeff left the roofing business he started in Ft. Lauderdale to his brothers and started from scratch a new roofing business in Jupiter with one helper and no secretary and built it into Embick Enterprises. That was 24 years ago. Our kids were 12, 8 and 1…so they grew up in Jupiter. 

jeff squat

Jeff started at Beachfit because his other gym went out of business. That is when he realized that FitTown was a well run gym. Says Jeff, “First I want to say that I found out long ago that for me, working out was more for my mental fitness than physical. Prior to coming to fittown I’d worked out at 5 crossfit gyms starting at the Armory in 2012 then 4 other places following different coaches after they closed. After the last place closed there were several from that gym that were heading over (to CFPB/FitTown), so I decided to join them. I had always heard that CFPB/FitTown was too expensive but I found that to be wrong given the knowledgeable coaches, cleanliness, and just the people you are able to meet while working out.”

pattie kb swing

Pattie did 20 years of karate and then 20 years of yoga and now 2 out of 20 years of Beachfit. Says Pattie, “I guess you are stuck with me!!” (We are very happy to be stuck with you Pattie!)


Can you talk about the progress you’ve made since you’ve been at FitTown?

Says Pattie, “I have had 3 hip surgeries and when I started the coaches gave me a lot of different variations and they still do. I hadn’t ran in 15 years and now I can run 1200 meters! It didn’t start that way. First, it was 100 meters and then bike the rest. It is so exciting to see progress. My next goal is box jumps…wow did I just say that!!”

pattie step up


What keeps you guys coming when you don’t feel like working out?

“Showing up is my weakness and Coach Danielle has been so good about keeping me accountable as we’ve started 1-on-1 nutrition coaching. In life, we have to go on no matter how we feel or what is going on and Beachfit needs to be the same…”Just Show Up!”.  Jeff seems to make it so easy to show up to BeachFit no matter what he has going on. He is my role model!” says Pattie.  

pattie ski


What advice would you give someone who is hesitant about starting? 

Our advice would be to just try it and you won’t be disappointed. The coaches are ALWAYS in a good mood. They demonstrate each move as if it is your first time and they have the patience of a saint. It is normal to feel nervous the first time, but if we can do it, so can you!


Check out this whole family of bench pressers! Including daughter Kali too!

jeff bench

pattie bench

kali bench