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Mark Campbell Transformation

Mark Campbell has been a member at FitTown for a few years, but decided last year it was time to get more committed to his fitness. He had seen great results when he initially joined BeachFit, but his attendance became inconsistent and it was reflecting in his results.

That is when he decided to reach out to a coach for extra help and accountability. Mark got set up with Coach Tony and they began working together last June. Mark started with a goal of 12% body fat and 10 strict pull-ups unbroken. He was at 17.9% and 4 respectively.

One of Mark’s first moves was incorporating FTX classes into his routine. He also set attendance goals to attend 5 days a week. When that habit was established, he invited his son Ethan to come along to the morning workouts with him. They do BeachFit together 3 times a week now.

Says Mark, “FitTown has become such an important part of my life during this past year. First, I’m happy with achieving my fitness goals… lost over 5% body fat (now at 12.5%) and able to do 13 pull ups (up from 4). Initially, I was too focused on weight loss, not realizing how my body would respond with increased muscle mass. I’m happy with how I feel and how my clothes fit.”

Mark is also the owner of Hog Snappers restaurant which is right across the street from the gym, so he eats it A LOT. Navigating nutrition with Coach Tony and making healthy choices from the menu was another key to Mark’s success.

While Mark has the physical progress shown in his numbers, he said his mental health has gotten a lot stronger. Says Mark, “More importantly, regular exercise has really helped my mental health. After going through personal relationship trauma last year, exercise became the best way to manage emotions and start the day off right. The icing on the cake is that it’s brought me closer to my son; he just turned 14 years and joins me 3x per week in BeachFit. It’s incredible quality time!”

Awesome job Mark on your incredible transformation inside and out! We’re proud to recognize you and Ethan as inspiring members of our FitTown family!