
Our Female Athlete of the Month for December is Trina McLaughlin! Trina has just hit her 900 workout mark, which for the most part doesn’t include all those home workouts she’s done over the years with her fit family, hubby JMac and daughter Brooke. Before home workouts were cool, barn workouts were even cooler, and the Macs have always been staying active as a family at home and on adventures together. 

Trina and JMac were doing CrossFit workouts years before most of us even heard of it. That head start clearly plays a part in Trina being one of the fittest people over 50 you’ll ever meet. Forget her age, she’s still one of the fittest people you’ll ever meet. What we love is Trina’s attitude toward “growing up.” Trina says, “Never let your age get in the way of thinking you can’t try new things.”

You can always find Trina giving it her all in her workouts, our in-house competitions, and events like beach workouts. Like most, she admits this year has been a struggle, but is positive about the future, and really hasn’t stopped moving forward. She sets a great example for her family and others at FitTown to follow to keep progressing forward each day. 

Trina, we are grateful to have you, and your family, in our FitTown Family!

trina mclaughlin aom

Tell us a brief background about how the Mac family came to be, and what do you currently do for work and fun?

JMac and I met in high school.   I was introduced to him by my older sister who was dating his best friend Paul. I’ve been in the medical field for more than half my life. Wow!!!? I’m a CMA/X-RAY tech and worked in urgent care for over 14 years. I am currently working in family practice now for Jupiter Medical Specialist. For fun… anything outdoors and I love to try new things.

trina running

What’s your athletic background prior to finding CrossFit?

Growing up I was a dancer from age 5 until 18. I was a cheerleader. I did gymnastics, ran cross country, track and rode my horses in a local drill team for our local rodeo in Homestead Fl.

I started CF around 2006 -2007 after Jmac discovered it first. It was more just a weekend thing for me at first because of my real passion for barrel racing horses since I was a kid growing up with a rodeo family. After moving to Rialto from Jupiter Farms, our first home together that Jmac built and the house Brooke was raised in until her senior year of High School. We sold the horses and I needed a full time hobby, I liked CF and wanted to get better. So off Brooke and I went searching for a closer local gym since the gym Jmac was coaching at was too far for a 5am class as we both wanted to workout before work/school. That’s how the family addiction started.

trina rope climb

Do you have any funny or interesting stories about any memorable workouts over the years?

My most memorable workouts are working out in our family pole barn gym in Jupiter Farms, every year Jmac would put together a family holiday work out where everyone had to be involved and no one was excluded for any reason. As for funny stories learning how to do my DUBs, I had some pretty fast singles and at one time I was so fast Jmac videoed them because he was not sure if I had them or not. Well needless to say my OCD/ADD was kicking into overdrive when he “said” nope you don’t have them yet, keep practicing! In a week after practicing every night for at least 2 hour, I had them pretty good.

trina box jump

Can you talk, maybe even brag a little about the physical shape/changes you’ve experienced? (I mean c’mon, nobody is going to believe you’re 50.) 

I can definitely say I am in much better shape now than before CrossFit. I have more muscle tone and feel/look healthier. Before CrossFit I was just running for half marathons and lean. I have to say I was pretty skinny at 110 pounds back then too. ?

Have you had any big setbacks or obstacles with your health you had to overcome?

I have to say I’ve been blessed with good health.  I have not had any surgeries as of yet. My only setbacks are soreness from old injuries and age but I have no plans of quitting CrossFit as there are still lots of things I want to do and improve.

trina row

What’s a routine/motto you have that you believe is vital to your success? 

Living a healthy lifestyle, keeping active and doing things you enjoy. Never let your age get in the way of thinking you can’t try new things.

trina ski

How competitive are you guys with comparing scores? Is there anytime you let the other win?

As far as being competitive we are all pretty competitive, the three of us and yes looking at each other scores daily is pretty much a given. As far as letting the other win never, I don’t believe in that! Keeping each other accountable. We don’t get to work out much together due to our work schedules, but when we do, I know if I go he will go and do the same for me. This has always pretty much worked for me but this year has definitely been an off year. Keeping on task while working out at home due to Covid this year has been a struggle for me to get back on track. Next year will be a better year in my plans for sure.

trina run

What do you love most about coming to FitTown Jupiter?

What I love the most about working out at FitTown is the people I workout with daily. They also have the same passion as I do. I believe we’re all in this to feel, look and be a healthier person for life and daily tasks.

trina deadlift

What advice do you have for the person at home who may be contemplating a new fitness routine?

Anyone who is looking for a gym FitTown is for everyone no matter what age, fitness ability or level you are in there is always something for someone. No excuse is allowed!!!

trina group

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