Out of all the eyeballs reading this email right now, only a small percentage are actually current members of FitTown. Most readers were once a FitTown member but have moved on to different places and stages of life.
We love that we can still keep in touch and stay connected with people who we haven’t seen in years. At FitTown, we are on a mission to help as many people as possible live their healthiest and longest lives…and that shouldn’t stop at the walls of our gym. Continuing to educate and empower EVERYONE, past members included, is a huge part of that.
Since the day we opened in 2012, we constantly seek out the best possible ways to achieve maximal health. We are never-ending students when it comes to “living life to the fittest.” This means that our beliefs in fitness are going to evolve as new research and information surfaces.
If you are a current member of FitTown, you’re going to get to experience the next evolution of these beliefs and workouts first hand. But even if you’re not a current member, I believe it’s important to share the beliefs behind what we do, because it can still help improve your fitness even from far away.
Before the future, let’s take a quick walk through FitTown history…
In 2012, we began as CrossFit Palm Beach. CrossFit was an incredible training program and paved the way for so many people to change their lives, including ours.
In 2016, we built a program called “BeachFit” to counter the problems and potential risks we encountered with traditional CrossFit classes. BeachFit struck a chord with many as a way to have longevity in the high-intensity workout game. It grew to have more members than our CrossFit classes, even though CrossFit memberships included both types of classes.
In 2020, we became our own brand, FitTown Jupiter, after years of straying from typical CrossFit workouts and seeing the success of BeachFit. Our CrossFit classes changed to “FTX” and included more “For Quality” days, which was unheard of in the CrossFit world.
In 2024, it’s time to again truly lean into what we believe is the best possible way to live your fittest and fullest life. This means that two separate programs will no longer seek to serve two different athletes. Instead, one gym, FitTown Jupiter, will seek to serve all humans to live to their greatest potential. (There will still be two class options offered in the two buildings, more details below.)
These are the beliefs our next evolution of workouts are built on…
1. Work Smarter Instead of Harder. Anyone can create hard workouts, but it takes a great deal of knowledge to make workouts that create the most healthy humans possible.
2. Relentlessly Weigh Risk Vs. Reward. We seek to minimize the chance of injuries by always asking if the outcome is worth the work. We want to make sure movements apply to real life functionality.
3. Put Nutrition First. Our nutrition and lifestyle choices have to compliment and multiply the hard work we put into our workouts. What we eat around our workouts matters.
4. Seek Adaptation, Plan Recovery. We must put our body through new stimuli in order to create new adaptations. We work hard for the opportunity to recover. Recovery is where we grow stronger and our body adapts to this stimulus. We must program recovery too.
5. Strength and Conditioning Are Equally Important. Having muscle is healthy, and should never be shamed. Resistance training is vital to longevity. We also put equal importance on strengthening the upper and lower body. Strengthening the heart and lungs through conditioning is also key for a long and fruitful life. It’s important we train different heart rate zones and not just seek the highest and hardest zone each day.
6. Measure With Metrics That Matter. We use fitness tests like a 1000m bike or weighted strict-pull up that carry over to real-life application. We also use body composition testing to track muscle mass and body fat, instead of just using pounds on a scale.
7. Use The Power of Positivity. The workout plan that works is the one that you believe will work and buy-in to. We look to create the most fun, positive, and inspiring environment possible, and negativity is not welcome here. The gym is traditionally a place people dread, but instead we want it to be a place you look forward to going to (because you’re doing something positive for your health!).
8. Workouts Enhance Life, Not Detract From It. It’s vital our members have fulfilling and productive days when they leave the gym. Your workouts should allow you to show up in life as your best possible self, not force you to take a nap.
Without action, these words mean nothing. We know it’s going to take time to properly do these beliefs justice.
One of the biggest steps we’re taking now is renaming the class types from “BeachFit” and “FTX” to “Move” and “Build” respectively. These new titles will align much better with the workouts that will come from each.
We believe movement is the basis of life and why it’s so important to move every day, and our “Move” classes will make movement accessible and fun to everyone, every day of the week.
It’s important we “Build” upon a strong base of movement to layer on greater health, “brick by brick.” Our “Build” classes will do this by having smart and structured ways to progressively improve strength and conditioning.
Over the course of the next few weeks, please continue to read these emails on our fitness philosophies as I believe it will transform your health and fitness, whether you are near or far from FitTown.
For the current member, JUST SHOW UP with an open mind. I can’t tell you how many times over 13 years of doing these workouts that I made up my mind beforehand about what the workout was going to be, and it totally surprised me in the opposite direction. Some workouts I didn’t show up to because I decided what it was. But I can tell you one thing, I’ve never once regretted a workout that I’ve shown up to. Never once.
If you’re a former member of FitTown, or even CFPB back in the day, I would love for you to have the opportunity to experience these beliefs first hand in your workouts. If you’ve been contemplating a restart of a solid fitness routine, come try a FREE week on us. Simply email us at [email protected] and let us know that you’re interested in giving it a try.
Austin and I shot a podcast in March about our Beliefs in Fitness that is worth checking out if you haven’t already. And stay tuned as we will have more content coming soon to help you in your health journey.
Live Life to the Fittest,
-Coach Tony & Team